Tuesday, December 4, 2018

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 340: Top 10 DVD/Blu-Rays of 2018

despite mainstream evidence pointing to the contrary, film is in a pretty interesting place creativley if you know where to look. instead of becoming emotionally overwrought over desperate attempts at cinematic universes, maybe give one of these a try;

CAT SICK BLUES (directed by Dave Jackson) 

one of those rare breeds (inadvertent pun subliminally intended) of underground horror film that feels as if it was conceived by an individual who was in fact legitimately insane. the derangement runs bone deep, where you yourself are driven mad by the twin thoughts of "what could possibly compel someone to make this?" and "what could possibly compel someone to seek this out?".

FIRST REFORMED (directed by Paul Schrader) 

an Eco-Apocalyptic spin on the tried-and-true concepts which Schrader has devoted his cinematic life to exploring.

HOUSEWIFE (directed by Can Evrenol) 

Baskin auteur Evrenol returns with another viscera-clopped nether-ride into cosmic oblivion, this time swapping out the toxically masculine protagonists of Baskin with the harsh introspection of confined femininity.

INCIDENT IN A GHOSTLAND (directed by Pascal Laugier) 

a densely-layered gothic home invasion fable that tracks like a particularly nightmarish paperback obscurity rendered in eye-slicing high-def.

MANDY (directed by Panos Cosmatos) 

feels simultaneously like everything you've seen before and nothing you've seen before; an inter-dimensional bridge between revenge motivated actioners and psychotronic head scratchers.

MY FRIEND DAHMER (directed by Marc Meyers) 

somewhere between the unflinching pathos of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer and the suburban ennui of Ghost World.

PUPPET MASTER: THE LITTLEST REICH (directed by Tommy Wiklund, Sonny Laguna)

 easiest way to make a reboot of a worn out franchise about murder toys worth a look? Fabio Frizzi + Benjamin Marra + Insect Warfare + Lt. Dangle + casual jabs at contemporary extremism + a vibe reminiscent of unsung contemporary Italian gore films like Violent Shit: The Movie and Morituris.

RENDEL: DARK VENGEANCE (directed by Jesse Haaja) 

who knew that this Finnish curio of shamelessly thieved 1980s-90s superhero cliches was just what i needed to remind me of what initially drew me in to these kind of characters/stories? i make no secret or apologies for my love of the darker side of this mileau, and i'm thankful there's someone out there in movieland who when you say "X-Books" their mind goes not to Marvel's Deadpool but to Dark Horse's X.

REVENGE (directed by Coralie Fargeat) 

a French film that looks like a Australian action movie with the gears of a Japanese pinky-violence epic working beneath its hood.

TRAUMA (directed by Lucio A Rojas) 

Torture Porn at its most Torturously Pornographic, this invariably mean Chliean slice of who-gives-a-fuck-how-you-do might've just knocked A Serbian Film off the top perch on the Misanthropic Movie Night tree.

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