Sunday, April 28, 2019

NERRRRD! vol. 79 / U.S.A.! U.S.A.! vol. 178 / Negation Aspiration vol. 153

‘Avengers: Endgame’ Will Break Box-Office Records, and That’s Bad for Business

[full disclosure: this will not be a well-crafted piece of writing, just ventilated rage unspooling with all the grace and coordination of an unmanned fire hose.]

posted that meme on Facebook and was greeted with a sassy butthole remark worthy of the kind of glib flippancy displayed by the "heroes" of the Marvel Cinematic Universe; "eating the entertainment industry alive? oh god the horror".

that's kind of NOT THE CUNTING POINT of the meme, but feel free to keep being an undermining above-it-all smartass and cheer on the Million Dollar Dream that Mickey has put on the masses because you've drank their Unflavored Kool-Aid and you're "finally getting to see on the big screen" all those characters that have been RIGHT UP IN YOUR FUCKING GUTS SINCE BIRTH via comics, games, toys, television, cartoons, party favors, underoos, coloring books, halloween costumes, bath towels, and LITERALLY SHITTING EVERYWHERE. they're no more than degraded nostalgia properties  being trotted out as glorified cash funnels to be fed into a financially glutinous corporate entity, but i'm an asshole for not just shutting my meat socket and smoothing out the creases in my brain with more thoroughly artless, singularly unexceptional junk A/V, assimilating into the blooming societal rot with the rest of corporeal tallow spores that have enabled its cancerous spread.


same kind of turd burglars who are already roasting any number of Democrat nominees for president, pouring over the pedantic minutia of their not-hardcore-enough track records, while we have a sponge-skulled arch-criminal in the White House gesticulating about imagined infanticide at his Nascaremberg Rallies to the bottomless anti-delight of his spite-drunk horde.

the topics of discussion that won't illicit snarky disagreement or trigger an escalating series of micro seizures are running dangerously low, and i'm growing increasingly bothered by what will result from my ever-growing list of communal withdrawals.


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