Friday, June 14, 2019

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 340

a woman with eyes in her nipples going to sleep and unleashing a vengeful id, a spider who has grown to massive size and become humanoid after her tears fall onto it

 a random woman has a conversation with a man in a darkened alley, and then the camera pulls back to reveals she’s having a casual chat with an eight-armed spider creature, who then snaps her neck. Cut to the news anchor describing the scene, and saying the killer is being called “The Neckbreaker.” 

Highlights of this story include too-good-to-be-true moments like the cops, standing over the body of yet another woman with her face cut off, saying, “The killer’s motive is clear: He cuts their faces off.”

 It’s that rare fusion of painstakingly expressed love and total lack of ability that deliver the best of bad cinema, and he should be proud

Holy hell, Glenn Danzig might've just made The Room of horror anthologies

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