Monday, September 7, 2020

Negation Aspiration vol. 238

 At the time, McInnes was all about a kind of weird pastiche of punk rock resistance and anarcho-contrariness, leaving me no doubt that at least he and the other guy tried to fight. But the McInnes stories kept accruing, my favorite being the time he allegedly defecated in the middle of an intersection. Just … because. When asked later whether the incident actually took place, he said: “Who can remember?”

Eventually McInnes was nudged out from Vice, the magazine he co-founded, after attending a far-right rally and writing a piece about the event in which he said that he found himself agreeing with what he heard more than disagreeing. The scuttlebutt was that about half a million dollars of advertising was threatening to walk unless something was done.

So McInnes was invited out and then went on to start Street Carnage, an online-only deal that never really found its footing.

And then the Proud Boys happened.

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