Sunday, November 1, 2020

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 410

 stand-out viewing for the month of October (i did indulge in that "Horror Movie A Day" challenge, but i think only a few of these fit into that criteria) 


THE DEAD ONES (2019, dir. Jeremy Kasten)

what is initially positioned to be another variation on a slasher theme ends up twisting into a comic-book colored amalgam of Gus Van Sant's Elephant and Jacob's Ladder.

FOUR OF THE APOCALYPSE (1975, dir. Lucio Fulci)

perhaps Fulci's most "complete" film. not just another Spaghetti Western. 

THE HOWLING III: THE MARSUPIALS (1987, dir. Philippe Mora) 

the only other franchise i can think of that is more exploratorily cracked while still maintaining a thread of connection to its opening chapter (however bare) is Don Coscarelli's Phantasm. 

a scalding black comedy about status and death that pulls no punches in exposing the caustic indifference and punishing judgments of friends and family when your desperate struggles form a blockade around the lifeforce they need to drain from you to sustain their own positions of ascent. 

aka Romancing the Ferox. 

a must watch for any kind of movie geek who wishes to trace back the DNA of almost everything good about the last 50 years of cinema. 

every toiletry dunce cap who  thinks the coming-of-age redundancy of a glorified Tik-Tok video like Mignonnes is the pinnacle of brutality one can inflict upon a child should be forced to watch this near 3 hour trauma loop of numbing human degradation until the surfaces of the billiard balls occupying their cranial interiors peel into rinds of oozing blisters. 

TO YOUR LAST DEATH (2019, dir. Jason Axinn)

the outlaw motion comic you never knew you wanted. 

VARIETY (1983, dir. Bette Gordon)

a novelistic tour of Times Square sleaze from a refreshingly understanding female perspective. 

visuals and narrative perpetually whipsaw between deconstruction and reconstruction with the unpredictable pacing of a child's dark imagination. 

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