Thursday, December 31, 2020

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 422

 stand-out viewing for the month of December (more like MEHcember amiriteyouknowwhatimtalkingaboutnewnormalnewnormalnewnormal) 


SMILEY FACE KILLERS (2020, dir. Tim Hunter)

unknowable creepers methodically stalk gay porn meat markets for mutilated tributes to an obscure drowned god. 

COMIN' AT YA! (1981, dir. Ferdinando Baldi)

no one can deliver a resplendently brain-damaged spaghetti fight collage quite like Baldi. the dimension-breaking psychosis gets ramped up even further in Get Mean. seek out both. 

 RENT-A-PAL (2020, dir Jon Stevenson) 

a soot-dark cringe-comedic cautionary tale warning of the dangers of unmanageable expectations tied to the thirst for society's misplaced overimportance on a strain of companionship that is ultimately one-sided and all-destructive. 

ELLIOT (2017, dir. Craig Jacobson) 

every frame is a singular work of deranged art beamed from the private hell of the aimlessly alienated. 

PSYCHOMAGIC: A HEALING ART (2019, dir, Alejandro Jodorowksy) 

an emotionally overwhelming spellcast that suggests Jodorowsky's realities ate even more intoxicatingly bizarre than his fantasies. 

FETUS (2008, dir. Brian Paulin)

belongs in the same rarified territory as other elevated gore filth such as Cat Sick Blues and the works of Hisayasu Sato, Olaf Ittenbach, and Barry J. Gillis as being something crafted from a place of raw, frustrated mental aggression.

an undercover psychomanical netherworld hellride. 

to lighten things up after watching this one, i made it a double feature with Mysterious Skin. womp womp. 

the real violence is tenderness. 

at the nexus of the fork where the roads of  the Disaster Artist, the Talented Mr. Ripley, and Wonderland converge, you get this inevitable cult classic cringe opera that should be mandatory viewing for any delusional nut-bust who thinks they can climb the ranks of male porn stardom. 

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