Monday, February 8, 2021

Negation Aspiration vol. 265

You poison all the children to camouflage your scars, that's a lyric from "Man that You Fear", a song from Marilyn Manson's Anti-Christ Superstar album. That's a pretty good summary of what everyone from the younger Boomer generation downwards was dealing with. Sometimes poison in the rather literal sense in that nearly everyone I knew was on medication of some type for showing normal reactions to abusive situations, abusive as in none of the adults listened to us and overreacted to everything we did (yes, that is abuse, plus the gaslighting, the denial, the blame shifting, the expectations either being too high or too low but never in a healthy place, having all their whims projected onto us, being roped into their lack of stability and this perfect family image they crafted in their minds that we were expected to act out). And some kids today still have to deal with it. That's really powerful. The older generation did not like being called out like that by a man wearing ladies undergarments and nothing else tearing up Bibles and cutting himself on stage. 


The Man That You Fear by Dani Brown 

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