stand-out viewing for the schizotypal strip mall spree killing that was March.
RSO: Registered Sex Offender (2008. dir. Bob Byington)
i can't review this one without getting a bit personal, as the protagonist's defensively smug responses to his unenviable situation mirror some of my own coping mechanisms i deployed during my teens and twenties, when fringe interests and abrupt mistakes seem to always backfire in ways that i feel like i'm still paying reparations for. the only way i knew how to deal was to double down on the future serial killer pathos, leaning deep into the most grotesque of cultural territories, deducting that if i couldn't inspire warmth or at the least inquisitive intellectual curiosity, that i would instead provoke discomforting laughter, bleak revulsion, and/or aggressive hatred, marinating in superior delight over the reliable offensiveness i inspired. i'm better now i swearsy wearsy.
PSYCHO GOREMAN (2020, dir. Steven Kostanski)
the live-action Golan the Insatiable you never knew you wanted because i'm the only person that watched or remembered that program.
PERDITA DURANGO (1997, dir. Alex De La Inglesia)
a date movie from the bowels of Infierno that will have the viewer pumped and wet all over.