Wednesday, March 31, 2021

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 446

 stand-out viewing for the schizotypal strip mall spree killing that was March.


RSO: Registered Sex Offender (2008. dir. Bob Byington)

i can't review this one without getting a bit personal, as the protagonist's defensively smug responses to his unenviable situation mirror some of my own coping mechanisms i deployed during my teens and twenties, when fringe interests and abrupt mistakes seem to always backfire in ways that i feel like i'm still paying reparations for. the only way i knew how to deal was to double down on the future serial killer pathos, leaning deep into the most grotesque of cultural territories, deducting that if i couldn't inspire warmth or at the least inquisitive intellectual curiosity, that i would instead provoke discomforting laughter, bleak revulsion, and/or aggressive hatred, marinating in superior delight over the reliable offensiveness i inspired. i'm better now i swearsy wearsy. 

PSYCHO GOREMAN (2020, dir. Steven Kostanski)

the live-action Golan the Insatiable you never knew you wanted because i'm the only person that watched or remembered that program. 

PERDITA DURANGO (1997, dir. Alex De La Inglesia)

a date movie from the bowels of Infierno that will have the viewer pumped and wet all over. 

MUTANTES (2009, dir, Virgine Despentes)

like an episode of Real Sex commissioned by a cyber-terror fetishist collective. 

really feel like every single "nebbish loser meets uninhibited hot lady and chaos ensues" narrative owes its existence to this grimy masterclass in how to do this proper. 

Mindy Clark; the bad girl muse of every 1990s Fangoria reading sadboi, creates another "why is there still not an action figure of this yet?" character ala Return of the Living Dead in this overlooked mid-90s surrealist gorehound charmer. 

a gritty Kids style reboot of Punky Brewster feels like one of those ideas i would've cooked up in my late teens / early twenties. 

a tokusatsu take on Marshall Law. 

i can't do this anymore. 

even more gross and kinky than Stuart Gordon's original, with strong worthy homages to both Gordon's filmography and the universe of Lovecraft. 

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