Monday, July 19, 2021

Negation Aspiration vol. 297

 The meme is supposed to be a self-own that highlights the differences between generations. While boomer and Gen X mums and dads were apparently out there building their own houses and having 2.5 kids and a dog by their late 20s, those who are now a similar age are simply trying to keep their succulents alive and spending the last of their rent money on Nintendo Switch games and DMT off the darknet to smoke in their vape

Is it really like that, though? Did our parents feel conventionally and existentially “sorted” by their late 20s? Were they not also murdering their plants and eating pills they found crushed up on the floor (I have never done that, by the way, except once)? 

To find out if the memes speak any truth whatsoever, some of us rang up our parents to ask what they were actually doing at 29.

Fact-Checking the Meme: What Our Parents Were Actually Doing at 29

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