Sunday, August 29, 2021

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 491

 stand-out viewing for the sweat-shitting cunt-hut that was August.


ANIMALADA (2001, dir Sergio Bizzio)  

that upcoming A24 joint Lamb coupled with a Synapse Films sale finally got me to pull the trigger on this one. hey i had that camera in middle school. 

a more existential, psychedelic take on Body Parts. 

perfect double feature with the above. 

hate-damaged spaghetti-brain goodness. 

life goals. 

his other "Quinquea" films are a bit too heavy handed fear wallowing for my liking, but this has just  enough of that Over the Edge energy, spliced in with the rise and fall of an amateur crime lord narrative that still yields interest from me. 

everytime some hot-take regurgitating dildo whines "wHy ArE aCtIoN sTaRs nOt sUpEr-mAnLy aNyMorE lIkE iN tHe 80s?!", show him (and its always a him) the Robert Ginty Triumverate (White Fire, Exterminator 1+2), where a dude who looks like he would get winded and double over in agony 12 seconds into watching a tea-ball game runs a train of ultra-violence on the criminal underworld. 

like if Ichi the Killer was made by Barry J Gillis for the cost of a Jolt Cola. 

right where he belongs. more than makes up for Franco's dreadful attempts at Nazisploitation released by Full Moon recently. 

if you need to clear out a house party.

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