Monday, November 22, 2021

#truecrimepowerelectronics vol. 26

 Of the Cobain journals (which were published by Riverhead Books in 2002), the documents note, “Undated journals written by Cobain sketch the album cover in a sexual manner, with semen all over it. In several instances, the journals describe Cobain’s twisted vision for the Nevermind album cover, along with his emotional struggles: ‘I like to make incisions into the belly of infants then f*ck the incision until the child dies.'”

As for the Hefner part, the documents repeat the claim that photographer Kirk Weddle intended to “trigger a visceral sexual response from the viewer” by activating “Spencer’s ‘gag reflex’ before throwing him underwater in poses highlighting and emphasizing Spencer’s exposed genitals.” Without explanation, the documents then continue, “Weddle soon after produced photographs of Spencer dressed up and depicted as Hugh Hefner.”

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