Saturday, January 1, 2022

Cleaning Electrical Outlets with a Moist Towelette.


2022 marks 20 years of "blogging", with 15 of those years spent on this very blog. 

this past year... more than any other... has been an invariably frustrating struggle with what i am and what i'm doing here. 

this oncoming one will more than likely be no exception... just like the last five. 

as of now, i got nothing. i'm just treating the wounds from the ceaseless disappointments, the relentless challenges, the publishers who ignore... the artists who shrug.... the musicians who dismiss... the lapsed friends who openly mock your demonstrable vulnerabilities.... the women who string you along the inboxes for years with promises of a corporeally actualized sexual denouement to this immeasurable distance only to have the pull the fadeaway .... 

all i know is that this combination of having a lot left in the tank and being at my wits end with all the gatekeepers may lead to a little petrol and long pig bar-b-que. 

see what happens. 


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