Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Booker Man is the Bastard vol. 7

 Control Your Narrative made headlines when they announced their 'Rage Room', a VIP experience where fans could pay to enter a room with their most hated member of the CYN roster and say whatever they wanted to them without repercussions, with the idea being to challenge 'keyboard warriors' coming to their shows. The show also began with EC3 ranting about taking back control as a man kneeling in the ring with a bag over his head, an image reminiscent of extremist groups from around the world. Later on, a wrestler named Man Bun Jesus makes a joke about seeing a lizard person in the bushes of Florida, referencing the David Icke conspiracy theory that is deeply rooted in anti-Semitism.

The whole promotion seems like the dream of a Facebook uncle who complains about 'cancel culture'. Control Your Narrative is clearly influenced by Fight Club's 'Project Mayhem', though they have failed to grasp the work's messages on the dangers of toxic masculinity, proto-fascism, and the creation of cult-like followings. Whilst some may find some cringe-humor in the debut show, from being hosted in the back of an Orlando bar with some poor production value (even by independent wrestling standards) to just the bizarre nature of it all, CYN is a troubling addition to the wrestling ecosystem.

The "Control Your Narrative" Promotion Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen

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