Monday, October 10, 2022

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 554

 In honor of David Bruckner's new installation in the long running Hellraiser-franchise, we are gonna go back to (almost) where it began. Clive Barker, while most well known as a horror writer, has also been prolific as a movie director. He directed the first Hellraiser, the extremely underrated Lord of Illusions and Nightbreed, of which the troubled production is a story in its own right. Clive Barker was mostly hands-off for the sequels of Hellraiser. While he was heavily involved with Hellraiser II: Hellbound, he was barely connected to Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth, and even less so with the many sequels, most of which are of lackluster quality. One thing he wás involved with, unbeknownst to many, was the music video for Motörhead's Hellraiser which was a tie-in to the third film in the franchise: Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth.

Sound And Vision: Clive Barker

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