Thursday, October 27, 2022

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 557

 stand out viewing for the mung molasses mudslide that was October. 


THE ACID KING (2019, dirs. Dan Jones & Jesse P Pollack)

the first (to my knowledge) thoughtful cinematic plunge into the Ricky Kasso story, examining it from multiple angles. In before Netflix finds out and turns it into a Ryan Murphy Edgelord Campfest starring Eddie Munson or whoever. 

AFTER BLUE (2021, dir. Bertrand Mandico) 

if this cat ain't directing the Barbarella remake then why fucking bother?

THE CORNSHUKKER (1997, dir. Brando Snider) 

i knoooooow. 

does a fine job of recreating what it's like to collaborate on oxygen with the absolute drizzling dog dick worst of the worst so-dumb-they-ugly-so-ugly-they-dumb failed comedians offered up by the aLt-rIgHt as an alternative to creators and content who can actually tell the difference between genuinely transgressive satire and relentlessly obnoxious status-quo enforcement. 

shit still obliterates everything. would've liked to have a bonus feature delving into the "family tree". 

THE INNOCENTS (2021, dir. Eskil Vogt) 

does for telekinesis what Let The Right One In did for vampirism. 

FFO Cat III anything. 

NO ESCAPE (1994, dir. Martin Campbell) 

can't remember if i saw this way the hell back when i was 12, but it was definitely on my radar. glad i saw it now, when i have a few Australian genre films under my belt, so i can better appreciate it's themes and narrative pace. in a more just universe this would've had the merchandising push that Waterworld got. 

SIXTEEN TONGUES (1999, dir. Scooter McCrae)

totally came. 

totally the film i played in my head during middle school hours, imagination buzzing from stacks of Fangoria magazines and blurbs about ultraviolent outlaw comics in Previews catalog. 

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