Sunday, December 8, 2019

#gorenoise vol. 4

previously on #gorenoise

The discovery in Ecuador has provoked a spate of wildly sensationalist newspaper headlines delighting in the gruesome strangeness of the story. To be sure, it’s easy to get carried away by its sensational elements. Dressing the body of one person in the remains of another might sound like something that a serial killer does (in fact, both fictional and real-life killers have been known to do this), but this practice has much more in common with the loving mainstream funerary practices of modern society than fringe homicidal impulses. 

The Mysterious Case of Babies Buried With Helmets of Other Children’s Skulls

Papers around the world have sensationalized the discovery of babies buried with the skulls of other children around their heads. But what’s really going on here?

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