Thursday, March 5, 2020

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 366(6: SATANATRIX DEMONPOOPS)

you’ll want to get acquainted with Danzig. But you don’t need to be acquainted with his music, really - it doesn't really factor into the movie. Instead, focus on Danzig the weird celebrity: the Danzig who maintains steadfast self-seriousness even as he descends into what for anyone else would be self-parody; the Danzig who believes anything he does is revolutionary and system-bucking simply because he’s doing it; the Danzig who is probably enraged that the horror/punk/metal scene has been mainstreamed enormously since he arrived on it. You have to realise Danzig considers Verotika to be ingenious and radical, because the actual movie is pretty tame - which only makes it funnier. Though its problems are present in other films, only an outpouring of Danzig's id could have made the highly specific film that is Verotika.

How To Prepare For Glenn Danzig’s Trash Opus VEROTIKA

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