Friday, April 3, 2020

Awwwww Yeah vol. 153

The very first page of the online application says that in order to be an “eligible entity” that can receive monetary relief from the bill, an applicant cannot “present live performances of a prurient sexual nature or derive directly or indirectly more than de minimis gross revenue through the sale of products or services, or the presentation of any depictions or displays, of a prurient sexual nature.”

Prurient, which is defined by Oxford as “having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters,” is a vague categorization that broadly includes thousands of workers in the U.S. As stated, the clause excludes everyone who works in the legal (and, worth noting, booming) sex industry including strippers, porn performers, producers, directors, sex toy manufactures and many others. It’s unclear whether this clause includes other professions that don’t explicitly deal in the sex industry, but do cover subjects that are of a “prurient sexual nature” such as sex therapists and authors of erotica novels.

Legal Sex Workers And Others In Adult Industry Denied Coronavirus Aid

THE NEW NORMAL; same as the Old Normal, now with no fun (but you get to wear cool masks!)

in case you thought the viral leng t'che being performed on human civilization right now might actually soften and warm the hardened cold hearts of the relentlessly unforgiving puritans that call the shots around here (despite all the solipsistic lame-brained twaddle you hear from toddler-cocked "provocateurs" on the far-right side of the collective spectrum, who still insist that SJWs are controlling the universe because the thrice regurgitated "tranny 'n fag" jokes of their favorite wearyingly angry podcasters  land with a thud).

Nothing. Fucking. Matters.

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