Wednesday, April 1, 2020

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 372

stand out viewings for March (howwasit???)

alternate title: NO MAN LEFT BEHIND. 

a unrelentingly bleak meta-horror that pre-dates Fulci's self-immolating gut muncher Cat in the Brain by about 6 years. 

finally crossed this one off my Abel Ferrara must-watch list. a strange, savage, and sleazy dip into the florescent sludge of a time that's never coming back. 

a genuinely interesting twist on both slasher and survivalist formulas that unfortunately ends on an anti-climatic "wait for a sequel" note. 

fun little mockumentary that may be of interest to admirers of last year's under-the-radar creeper Antrum. 

a joylessly insulting, lazily smug re-hash (get it??? HASH??? WEED! BATMAN! HOCKEY JERSEY! HOCKEY JERSEY WITH A BATMAN SYMBOL ONLY THE SYMBOL IS WEED!) of Smith's most irritating tendencies as a film maker, with some self-pityingly maudlin aging Gen-Xer platitudes about daddyhood overlaying the entry-level comic book references and callback shortcuts and the self-effacing "i know this sucks but i'm admitting that it sucks so WHAT NOW INTERNET STILL MAD WELL I'M GOING TO FUCK MY WIFE SHE'S HAS A VAGINA AND I PUT MY DICK IN IT" takedowns over the entry-level comic book references and callback shortcuts. 

alternate title: Apocalypse Now Let's Go Play at the Adams' 

a fusion of Alien, Terminator, and Predator as performed by a troop of doughy Canadians with camcorders. 

a Ballardian boiler about upright guinea pigs growing mad from hunger in a vertical labyrinth.  

Danzig at long last brings his glossy outlaw comics to... life? i can't remember the last time i saw so many gorgeous women filmed in such an uncomplimentary fashion... makes me wonder if Glenn has ever actually been with a woman... or at least saw more "high concept" pornographic photography. hoping the use of colored gels in the lights will carry the weight of the imagery's impact, it instead serves to highlight the caustic flatness and laughable banality of Danzig's "vision"; a hastily outlined non-dimensional softcore fetish universe populated by "strong-willed bad girls" (translation: strippers who murder other strippers and strippers who get murdered by other strippers) and performatively mean-spirited blends of violence and sex that possess about as much disturbingly brutal power as a ten-year old doodling severed heads and floating boobies on his school desk in order to freak out his classmates. 

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