Wednesday, May 13, 2020

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 384

get ready to see a man use a switchblade to remove his own eyeballs...

So what is CAPONE? Answers will run the gamut, but here's mine: fascinating. This is a go-for-broke movie on every level, from Tom Hardy's ferocious lead performance to Trank's aggressively non-conventional script to the grisly tableaux Trank gleefully parades Capone through as he tries to get inside this dying, increasingly-insane gangster's mind. The discourse surrounding this film has already become a reductive echo chamber of "lol Tom Hardy poops his pants" observations, which is pretty stunning when you consider how much more there is to chew on here. I'm honestly not sure what would motivate anyone to make this particular movie, but the fact that Josh Trank's the one behind it makes the whole thing even chewier. Given that, it's the sort of film you might feel compelled to decode, but I suspect that would ultimately prove to be a dead end. Capone can't trust his mind any more than we can trust the film itself (both are unreliable narrators of the highest order), and what clues we think we've found would likely turn out to be red herrings.
You see? Fascinating.
CAPONE’s Madness Is A Breath Of Fresh Air

The post-disaster artist

After his Fantastic Four reboot bombed and life fell apart, Josh Trank came back for more

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