Friday, May 1, 2020

We Are The Sprocket Holes vol. 380

stand out viewings for the month of April (WhAT HaVE YoU bEEn uP tO?)


BOILED ANGELS: THE TRIAL OF MIKE DIANA (2018, dir. Frank Henenlotter)

(sorry imabout to make this review about me)
i first became aware of Mike Diana's work at age 15 from the piece his did for the Iron Monkey record Our Problem. it was around that time that i began frequenting various fringe online music communities, where i saw some crude scans of his other work, namely Boiled Angel, and learned the details of his trial, a story that amused and frustrated in equal measure.
here we are over twenty years later, watching these baby head condoms in high-definition on a streaming platform owned and operated by one of the premiere heralds of the god Mammon.

VFW (2019, dir Joe Begos)

Begos really turned a corner with his previous release Bliss, and he keeps the momentum going with this slice of siege.

TFW NO GF (2020, dir. Alex Lee Moyer/)

attempts to sentimentalize the Incel community while irresponsibly eschewing the demonstrably toxic elements of the misguided movement.

SHOGUN'S SADISM (1976, dir, Yuji Makiguchi)

(once again making this about me. fuck it who cares no one has read a blog since 2009.)

been on my cinephile sketch-head bucket list since i began creeping around unsavory mall kiosks hocking bootlegs of deeply uncomfortable Asian films. takes the paradigms of Samurai narratives and draws & quarters them with whipped oxen.


a pinku-eiga companion piece to Sejun Suzuki's cut-up method yakuza classic Branded to Kill (itself partially scripted by Yamatoya).

DON'T DELIVER US FROM EVIL (1971, dir. Joel Seria)

loosely inspired by the real-life crime that served as the basis for Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures, with the fairly tale delusions swapped out for the diseased pervo-poetry of Bataille, Baudelaire, and Lautremont

DIGGING UP THE MARROW (2014, dir. Adam Green)

head and shoulders above the kind of goofy convention-attendant nostalgia of Green's other work. really hope he revisits this Trance Formation Mideon sooner than later.

THE CREMATOR (1969, dir. Juraj Herz)

can easily see where films like Man Bites Dog, House that Jack Built, and other elevated iterations of the murder-fixated character study began to percolate.

BUSHWICK (2017, dir. Jonathan Milott, Cary Murion)

if the Purge universe is just a touch too heavy on the nu-metal wish-fulfillment pathos for you, give this more serious minded approach to the whole we-gotta-get-the-fuck-out-of-this-hellhole-before-the-mobs-eat-us-alive genre a peak. 

ZIRNEKILIS (1992, dir. Vasil Mass

i'm convinced that sometime in the mid 90s, Danzig got his hands on a copy of this post-soviet curio and used it as grist for the mills of Albino Spider of Dajette 

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